$259.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Overcome Pelvic + Urinary Issues | Classic Experience

Your Transformation Begins with the Transaction

You are CHOOSING you. By beginning Overcome Pelvic + Urinary Issues, you've made a line in the sand, and crossed over to the new you. YES! Feel the rush of energy as you step into a life of strength and power. Overcome is your fully-guided path to strength. Join the 1,000+ men who have gone down this path of recovery with Overcome. Your transformation begins today. Remember, I am there to answer your questions and support you on the inside. I'll see you there!

In strength, Michael

Recap of What You'll Get

 30+ Meditations (remove fear, become present, rewire)

✅ 12 Movement Routines (relax, release, and strengthen)

✅ Trigger Point Releases & Deep Relaxation Poses (dissolve tension and dysfunction)

✅ Emotional Release Practices (guided audios, journaling, expression)

✅ Nutrition Guidance (nourish your gut)

✅ Weekly Calendar (just follow along each day)

✅ The trnsfrm Formula (understand the path to healing)

✅ Pelvic Floor 101 (learn about what's going on down there)

✅ Lifetime Access to the Program (take your time and revisit when needed)

✅ Ask Michael + Coaches Questions (you get 4 months of support)

You Will Get Positive Results OR IT'S FREE!

Overcome is designed to give you meaningful, positive results in your body and your life! 1,000+ men have already returned to a life of pelvic strength. Do the complete 16 week experience with full commitment, and if you don’t get meaningful results, we will give you a full refund.

Our conditions: we ask that you follow the full program and engage with coaching support (consistent community posts). Because we know that if you give it 100%, your life will change!

If you still don’t experience meaningful results, just let us know within the first 120 days (send our Support Specialist an email at [email protected]), and we will give you your money back. So far, less than 1% of men have refunded—our mission is making programs that work.