Are you DONE with your pelvic and urinary issues?

I’ll help you release the root cause so you can get your life back.

I’m Ready to Let Go of the Struggle! →
  • 16 weeks of personal guidance from Michael
  • Proven by 1,000+ men to work
“I have been essentially symptom-free since going through the emotional release practices.”
- Vincent C.

Do you feel stuck suffering with pelvic or urinary issues?



Debilitating Pain your pelvic floor or genitals, keeping you from normal activities like working out or sitting down.


Pelvic Tension 

...always feeling tight down there, even after stretches it returns.


Painful Ejaculation 

...afraid to masturbate or have sex, it just doesn’t feel “right”.


Urinary Frequency 

...having to pee constantly, feeling a pressure in your abdomen.




Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis

Pudendal Neuralgia

Hard Flaccid

Interstitial Cystitis

33 Years of Pelvic Pain FINALLY Dissolved

I'm 70 years old and I've had pelvic floor pain and dysfunction for 33 years. So, I came in hopeful, and skeptical. I immediately felt better. After a few sessions, really VISUALIZING the muscles relaxing, they relaxed! I had less pain, less dysfunction, and more HOPE!

-Bill Kalter, Florida

Not sure if Overcome is for you?

Book a 1:1 Assessment Call with Michael to see if it is a good fit for your situation.

A Full Recovery is Possible. Don’t Settle for Just “Managing” Your Issues.


This isn’t a life sentence. 


Join me and many more men who have Overcome their pelvic and urinary issues wth this holistic system.

  YES - Symptom free is possible.
 After going through Western medicine, testing, natural doctors, acupuncturists, physical therapy, herbs, and so much more - it finally all fell into place. It’s about looking at WHAT is causing your brain to create the pain, tension, or urinary issues…and letting that go.


I created Overcome with Dr. Brianne Grogan to create a science-backed approach that holistically addresses the root causenot just the symptoms.

I’ll Be With You Side-by-Side for 4 Months So That You Can OVERCOME This

Overcome is a proven path with a guide at your side. I’m there for you every step of the way.

Our secret sauce is the EXPERIENCE. This is not a course. It’s not just information, it’s about embodying the changes.

Are you ready to release the past and be free in your body?

How We’ll Work Together In This 4 Month Experience

A Clear Plan so That You Never Have to Guess

Weekly guidance for your transformation. Daily meditations, movement routines, emotional practices, journaling…it’s all laid out for you. Take it at your pace.

Weekly Live Coaching Calls to Stay On Track

I’ll see you on the weekly live calls! The perfect way to stay the course, ask questions, and be surrounded by other Overcomers who are doing this with you.


Root Cause Discovery to See What Is Causing This

Assessments and practices to help you see what is beneath the symptoms. By revealing the root causes, the releasing has already begun.

Personal Support from Michael if You Get Stuck

I’ll be there for you as you walk this path. Ask for help when you need it, check-in often, and stay on track. (inside the private community)

Movement Routines that Relax and Strengthen

A weekly movement routine that releases tension and calms the nervous system. It feels good to move the body without fear!

Relief Tools for When You’re Feeling Symptoms

When the pain/dysfunction is elevated, you need help. These trigger point releases, deep relaxation poses, and other practices bring calm to the moment.

Private Community to Connect with Other Guys

Connect with other men in the private community who are transforming by your side. You are not alone in this.


Root Cause Release Sessions that Create Space for Healing

A monthly live experience guided by Michael. More thinking is not the answer. These experiences help you crack open blockages and release what’s not needed.

Emotional Practices to Feel and Release

Feel to heal, truly. Guided practices for accessing emotions and mental patterns. Become aware, express, and let go.

Meditations & Breathwork to Let Go of Anxious Patterns

Research-backed meditations designed to rewire your brain and body back to health. Breathwork to release anxiety and be present.

What You Can Expect On The Path With Me


Realize What’s Going On and Remove the Fear


Discover your root causes beneath the symptoms
 Shift neural circuitry from fear to safety

Common Changes:
less fear, not worrying about which path to take, symptoms begin to calm, resumes activities like working out/sex/sitting


Release Emotions and Negative Behaviors


⇢  Reveal repressed emotions and let them go
⇢  Identify addictive patterns and behaviors, changing in your daily life

Common Changes:
anxiety lowers, more presence, feeling lighter, heart opens, body continues to respond, there can be ups and downs with symptoms


Reprogram Brain & Body to the True You


⇢ Living life as the new you, now
⇢ No longer “trying to heal,” just living in balance without fear

Common Changes:
life begins to reorient to the truer you, symptoms are falling away (in many cases they are gone or very faint), daily habits are now solidified, pruning old patterns


Integrating the Transformation


⇢  A return to life, with energy and strength
⇢  Deeper presence, vibrancy, and even gratitude for all that has happened

Common Changes:
less pressure to do things perfectly, often becomes a mentor “new Overcomers,” taking it a day at a time, fear around symptoms is gone, body has responded favorably



(approx. 15-30 min. per day)

You can miss some days or shift around weeks if needed / you don’t have to be perfect.

How will your life be 4 months from now by starting today?

I’m here for you every step of the way.

Fully guided with help when you need it.
  • Fully Guided Program
  • 30+ Meditations
  • 12 Movement Routines
  • Emotional Practices
  • Relief Tools
  • Lifetime Access to Program
  • 4 Months Coaching Support in Community

2 Payments of $259

-Or- One Payment of $497


Next level coaching in a small group.
  • Fully Guided Program

  • 30+ Meditations

  • 12 Movement Routines

  • Emotional Practices

  • Relief Tools

  • Lifetime Access to Program

  • 4 Months Deeper Community Interaction

  • 4 Months Personal Coaching Support

  • 16 Weekly Live Coaching Calls

  • Full Library of Coaching Calls

  • Monthly Live Root Cause Releases

  • Work Closely with Michael

3 Payments of $279

-Or- One Payment of $797


You Will Get Positive Results OR IT'S FREE!


Overcome is designed to give you meaningful, positive results in your body and your life! 1,000+ men have already returned to a life of pelvic strength. Do the complete 16 week experience with full commitment, and if you don’t get meaningful results, we will give you a full refund.

Our conditions: we ask that you follow the full program and engage with coaching support (consistent community posts and live calls). Because we know that if you give it 100%, your life will change!

If you still don’t experience meaningful results, just let us know within the first 120 days (send our Support Specialist an email at [email protected]), and we will give you your money back. So far, less than 1% of men have refunded—our mission is making programs that work.

Over 90% of Overcome participants experienced a decrease in pain and tension.2

2 Based on Overcome completion survey respondents.

So what is actually going on in my body right now? 

👋 Meet Bill — a 41 year old software developer in Toronto. 

He’s been putting in 70 hour weeks for a product launch—and at home, experiencing challenges with his wife.  // the stressor // One day while riding his bike he felt a weird sensation in his perineum (between the anus and balls).  

He was seriously scared about this, and visited his doctor the next day. His doctor gave him antibiotics and said that it should clear out. Now it burns when he pees and it hurts when sitting down.  // nervous system responds 

His pelvic floor now feels tense most of the time. He visits two urologists and does a range of tests. They can’t find anything wrong, so they send him to a physical therapist. He feels some relief at the sessions, but his symptoms return quickly. // tension

Even though he stretches every day, meditates, and eats a clean diet…he now has issues getting strong erections, has hard flaccid, and urinary urgency at night. He visits a naturopath and chiropractor frequently to get some morsel of hope. // dysfunction

Bill has become depressed. He’s sad now that he can’t even ride his bike, have sex, or play with his kids. // emotional response 

His body is now in chronic fight or flight, reacting to “normal” activities like exercising, eating chocolate, or sitting down on his favorite chair. // sensitive to stressors

👏  Bill found the Overcome program, ready to look at his root causes.

He linked his personality traits of putting pressure on himself and fearing confrontation, anxiety-prone thinking, and unresolved emotions with his wife as major underlying factors. He let go of the dysfunctional way of being (with helpful guided practices) and now his body has returned to balance and harmony. // self-healing

Extra Special Bonuses*

*Because We Like to Over Deliver and Give You EVERY CHANCE AT SUCCESS


5 Things Every Successful Overcomer Have in Common
($97 Value) 

Don’t you wish you knew the secrets that other men have used to get past CPPS?! In this special training, Michael takes you through the 5 commonalities that he has spotted in those who succeed. 


Mind Chill:
Overcome Stress and Anxiety
($197 Value)


A 7 day experience taking you through simple practices and thought-provoking (dare I say, mind-blowing) information to help you trade anxiety for trust and stress for pleasure.

"I started to get better. And now today, I have no symptoms."

The proof is right here. 
See more success stories.
⭐️ Read Reviews
It allowed me to positively change my mindset, and for me, I think that was key.

"After many invasive tests, which all came back normal, and multiple doses of antibiotics I was really down and out. Anxiety and depression started to set in due to the despair of "what the hell is wrong with me"... I started googling my symptoms…which led me to the male 3 month program to overcome pelvic pain. The exercises and stretches themselves felt great and would provide immediate relief, even if only temporarily. But the more I got into them, practised the meditation and mindfulness programs, the better I became."

- Mark Biondo, USA 

It allowed me to positively change my mindset, and for me, I think that was key.

"After many invasive tests, which all came back normal, and multiple doses of antibiotics I was really down and out. Anxiety and depression started to set in due to the despair of "what the hell is wrong with me"... I started googling my symptoms…which led me to the male 3 month program to overcome pelvic pain. The exercises and stretches themselves felt great and would provide immediate relief, even if only temporarily. But the more I got into them, practised the meditation and mindfulness programs, the better I became."

- Mark Biondo, USA 

Video Poster Image

"I started to get better. And now today, I have no symptoms."

The proof is right here. See more success stories.
⭐️ Read Reviews

It’s Time to Go All-In FOR YOU. 

You Deserve to Feel Great in Your Body.
What is that worth to you?
Click Here to Begin OVERCOME →

Frequently Asked Questions


One Last Thing

This isn't a sales pitch. I've done my best to simply portray to you that I've been where you are. I did everything I could, and it just didn't work. I scoured the internet and just found a few random nuggets here and there on old forums — at the time, something guided and comprehensive (like Overcome) did not exist. I also spent more than $18,000 on physical therapy, doctor's visits, supplements, and everything else while attempting to heal this. Honestly, this program is worth way more than the cost we have attached to it.

I invite you to make the firm decision that enough is enough, and today is the day.

Drawing a line in the sand, no longer going back to who you were. Not afraid to look at your root causes and transform you. The healing begins with THIS choice. Then you simply follow the program each day. And you know I’ll be there for you every step of the way. Are you ready to feel alive again?


Let's Do This! →

Transform Men's Pelvic Health programs are not a substitute for individualized medical treatment; contact a physician and/or physical therapist in your area for one-on-one evaluation and a personalized treatment plan.
To maintain anonymity, the testimonial illustrated faces are not exact representations of clients.