Attention: All men who have tried everything (to no avail), to fix Erectile Dysfunction
Go from Limp and Defeated to HARD and CONFIDENT, Naturally
No more pills or quick fixes
Get to the root cause of your ED
And start having strong sex

My dick gets rock hard now I feel more blood flowing to it!
-Ike P., 28
25 Years Old and
There she was…my gorgeous wife wanting to make love to me.
Supposedly in my “sexual prime” and I was soft as a feather.
Even if I got hard enough to go in, I would come too fast…it was all so incredibly frustrating.
But if you’re reading this today, you may know that 40% of men also struggle with Erectile Dysfunction1…
If you’re anything like me, you would DO ANYTHING (minus pills and treatments that have nasty side-effects) to have natural, thick erections and be able to have hot sex again.
I like to take care of my body and live a natural lifestyle. At the time, I was working out, doing yoga, martial arts, and eating clean, healthy, organic/non-GMO foods.
After a long road of trying things, I discovered that you must treat both the physical and psychological root causes…
This led me to creating a science-backed, at-home system for men, that replaces the pills and empty claims of other treatments that simply don’t work.
Have you really addressed YOUR root cause?
Is ED Ruining Your Sex Life?
Not only does it suck when your family jewels are not on full display, but it makes you feel like less of a man.
ED zaps your creative, sexual energy, and can lead to depression, anxiety, and major relationship challenges.

Is your dick not performing
like it should?
- Trouble getting an erection - your lover is as sexy as can be, but you’re still not standing tall. Inconsistent erections - some days you work just fine and others, nada.
- Weak erections - the blood flow is coming in, but you are not as strong as a stallion.
- Difficulty keeping an erection - your main man shows up on time, but goes to sleep before the final performance.
- Premature ejaculation - similar root causes can create both ED and coming too fast.

And that’s just the physical symptoms, what about the psychological struggle…
- Depression zaps your energy and fills you with sadness — which is found in 43.7% of men with ED (compared to only 12% who don’t deal with ED)2
- Leads to avoiding intimacy with your partner
- Stops you from dating and putting yourself out there
- Inflames stress and anxiety (correlated with General Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder)
The good news is — you don’t have to stay stuck with this dysfunction.
There is a *NEW* PROVEN PATH to overcoming ED…read on and you’ll see…

“My erection quality now has definitely increased massively. I started noticing some huge changes after the 3rd week.”
- Nikhil, 25
What’s Actually Going On With My Cock?
Here’s a lab coat, let’s get nerdy and really understand what is going on with your privates.

Your cock is just the tip of the iceberg.
It’s the smoking gun of the problem.
But, you’ve got to be willing to look deeper to find the true causation. This will be a combination of physiology and psychology.
How did this happen to me?
Anxious thoughts upregulate your nervous system.
This leads to tension in your muscles. This leads to dysfunction in your sexual organs.
Stored emotions create blockages
to clarity of mind and presence in your body.
Porn and poor masturbation habits
could have created muscle memory in your penis, creating certain expectations for performance.
Stress at work or at home
can lead to you feeling less relaxed.
An unhealthy gut
can create GI tract issues that affect your pelvic floor.
You need to be relaxed to get aroused.
Stress, fear, worry, and anxiety activate the sympathetic nervous system, telling your body that it’s not a time to procreate. This is biological. This is evolutionary.
You’ve got to learn how to relax your nervous system to get hard and last long. That’s where VIGOR comes in…
Done with feeling trapped by your body’s inability to perform?
Meet VIGOR — A Proven Path to Hard Erections Without Side Effects

The Easy to Follow, Fully Guided 8 Week Program that Uses Scientifically-Designed Movement Routines, Meditations, and Sexual Practices to Get You Hard and Last Longer OR YOUR MONEY BACK

15 minute sex workouts strengthen your pelvic floor to help you get thick and stay hard.

Rewiring meditations use neuroplasticity to give you more cognizant control of your penis.

Solo sexual practices help improve neuromuscular function leading to spank-bank-worthy sessions.

The TRNSFRM Formula helps you address the root cause and get back to natural function.
87.5% of men in
improved their erections in 8 weeks or less3

THIS Boosted My Blood Flow…
The meditation and positive self talk part was also good, and the best thing was the massage which helped boost blood flow, improve the general feeling and nature of erection and alleviate pelvic stress.
- Geo, 37
Get Your First 7 Days of Vigor FREE and Start Changing

- A daily 15 min. exercise routine to increase flexibility and strength in your cock.
- A breathwork practice to relax your nervous system and chill out.
- A solo sexual practice to retrain your brain and your penis together.
- The TRNSFRM Formula to help you address the root cause of your ED.

The Dangerous (Unnatural) Side Effects of Other ED Treatments
- ED meds can give you headaches, body aches, digestive problems, dizziness, and even vision loss. That’s not natural.
- Penis pumps can create an unnatural erection that is purplish, cold, and sometimes numbness with no ejaculation. That’s worrisome.
- Shockwave therapy can lead to bruising of penile skin, blood in urine, and painful erections. OUCH!
- Testosterone therapy can limit sperm production, cause skin reactions, and worsen sleep apnea. Stepping into the unknown!

With Vigor, YOU are In Control of Your Body
No need to rely upon a pill for your body to do what it’s made to do.
No harmful chemicals running through your bloodstream affecting your brain and body.
No danger of creating a dependency on something outside of yourself.
No relying on a device or product - you are the answer.
I Teamed Up With Dr. Brianne Grogan to Bring You RESEARCH-BACKED Practices that Simply Work
On my path from pelvic pain to sexual strength, I ran across a pelvic floor stretching video by Dr. Brianne Grogan.
It really helped. Her calm voice, scientific mind, and nurturing aura were soothing on my transformational journey.
After overcoming my issues, we touched base and discussed how we could partner up to create a pelvic + sexual health system, based on real results.
We combined her decades of clinical practice and specialized understanding of pelvic health with my personal experience and studies of sexual transformation.
Dr. Bri is a leading voice for vibrant pelvic health, with more than 30 million views on YouTube, a critically-acclaimed book, and thousands of happy pelvises transformed through her work.
We went to great lengths to test, prove, disprove, and isolate the MOST EFFECTIVE practices to include in Vigor.
Imagine Blood Flowing In as You Feel the Tingling…See What Happens in the Next 7 Days by STARTING TODAY

Kickstart your transformation with the FIRST 7 DAYS of VIGOR for FREE.
Scientifically designed exercises to get the blood flowing, that you can do at home.
Sexual practices that rewire your penis back to natural function.
Guidance on what is going wrong in your body, and how to change it.
This is week 1 of the 8 week Vigor program, you’ll already be well on the way to strength!
The Proven Solution that Addresses ED and Premature Ejaculation at the SAME TIME!
You Can’t Cover Up Your ED Any Longer…

It’s the most humiliating thing, to not get it up. Guys really, really don’t like to talk about this stuff.
But, what are you avoiding? What soft spot inside of you is keeping you soft? The VIGOR program is not just about doing some exercises or eating a certain diet…oh no, you’re gonna have to dig deeper than that to really shift this.
But you don’t have to do this alone. You don’t have to figure it out with more google searches, more Reddit posts…more youtube videos. Trying more treatments. Vigor is not another therapy. It is about self-transformation, with scientifically proven practices. It really brings it all together.
You can keep hiding. You can cover up the problem. Or you can face it head on, and go down into the depths of the cavern to see what is actually holding back your hard-on. If I were you, I’d go all-in for the next 7 days and make these deep changes. You’ve got a treasure map in front of you (leading to the riches of orgasms and legendary sex), don’t just leave it on the ground…pick it up and let’s go! I’ve got your back every step of the way.